Venture on a journey of accuracy and excellence with our Biologics Testing services. At Green Biotec Biologics Testing, we elevate the biotechnology standards, ensuring the integrity and safety of your biologic products.”

A Symphony of Safety: Why Biologics Testing Matters

In biological products, where mammalian cell lines and viruses dance, there’s an inherent risk of uninvited guests—microbial and viral contaminants. Enter the regulatory guardians – EMA, MHRA, FDA – ensuring the safety of your protein-based biologics, biosimilars, viral vector gene therapy, and vaccines. The key to compliance? A dance called Biologics Testing.

Green Biotec: Your Biologics Testing Companion

Comprehensive Solutions, Global Compliance

Embark on a journey with Green Biotec, where comprehensive biologics testing solutions accompany you from the birth of discovery to the grand release on the commercial stage.

Our global cGMP-compliant testing facilities, FDA- and MHRA-approved, stand ready for the biologics testing of viral vector gene therapies, cell therapies, viral vaccines, new biologics, and biosimilars.

Unleashing the Power of Biologics Testing

Cell Line Characterization

Characterize your mammalian cell banks per regulatory guidelines, ensuring a solid foundation for your biological journey.

Product Characterization

Equip yourself with purpose-built instrumentation and a range of ready-to-use or custom assays. Conquer the challenges posed by increasingly complex biologics.

Biologics Lot Release Testing

Ready your creation for its grand entrance into the market with a complete lot release testing solution.

The Shield: Biosafety Testing

Safeguarding Every Step

Peeking into the Essence: Protein Characterization

The Art of Knowing Your Creation

Value-Added Activities: Where Speed and Capacity Converge

Skip the Hassle, Embrace Efficiency

Expertise Beyond Measure

Navigating Complexity with Ease

Our journey from R&D analytics to cGMP-compliant release assays is complex, but fear not. As experts in biologics testing, we bring extensive knowledge and experience. We develop specialized, high-quality analytics and product release assays from complex protein molecules to viruses.

Guiding Lights: Dedicated Client Management

Partners in Progress

Our dedicated client managers are more than guides; they’re partners, working with your project management team through every step of the biologics testing process.

Your Journey, Our Expertise

Explore Related Assets

Your biological journey continues beyond discovery; it continues until it takes its place among the stars of the commercial world.